03 9735 5667


Everyone loves and deserves a bright smile. Dull looking teeth can be caused by many factors. It is extremely important to identify the cause(s) of the discoloration so that a long term result can be delivered to you confidently and predictably.

If your dark teeth are caused by ageing or exposure to dark foods and drinks, whitening can be done very easily and effectively using take home or in-chair methods.

For taken home bleaching, we provide take home bleaching kit with customised trays and detailed instructions to use in the comfort of your home. Course of treatment is usually 2-4wks

If take home bleaching is too much of a hassle for you, or if you are looking for an instant result, in-chair whitening is what you need. Using our Zoom® in-chair whitening system, your teeth can be whitened up to 8 shades in just 45 minutes. Many of our patients also joined our Whitening for Life Program to keep their teeth white for life.

At your examination visit, our dentists and oral health therapist will carefully examine and detect any possible causes of the discolouration, and discuss with you options to improve your smile. With careful planning and coordination, we ensure every one of our patient is left with a great, healthy smile, feels confident and wonderful!

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