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**Learning @ Logic** Ice cream too cold for sensitive teeth and have to wait? Well, the ice cream is melted now!


Sensitivity is a worldwide dental problem that affects 1 in 8 adults, but what is the cause??

In healthy teeth, a layer of enamel covers and protects the weaker underlying dentin that contains tiny canals hosting nerve endings. However, the enamel can wear away and expose the dentin by means of tooth grinding, decay and excessive/forceful brushing; or exposure of the roots due to gum disease. This allows hot, cold, sour and sticky/sweet food and drink to reach the exposed nerve endings and triggers sensitivity!

Treatment may differ depending on the cause of sensitivity. A splint helps reduce grinding, a filling covers up the exposed area, gum treatment helps to stabilise the gum and sensitive toothpaste blocks the exposed root surface.

So, If you pass on hot or cold drinks because you know they’ll make your teeth hurt, it may be time to talk to your dentist about the possibility that you have sensitive teeth.

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**Learning @ Logic** Ice cream too cold for sensitive teeth and have to wait? Well, the ice cream is melted now!